Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

once upon the time........ (part 1)

hey hey hey! tiba" inget pas wktu itu gempa! :D seru lohh. g msh inget tuh jem 14.55
wkwkw. itu kebetulan g masih skolah dan jem pelajaran project. g sama si lani lagi di depan lab bio ngupasin puntung rokok. kita lagi ngegosipin orang gitu deh . wkwkw .
L : eh koq muter ya ?
I: ... iyeh . koq kayak mau pingsan ya ?
tiba2 gw denger cowo 2 yang lagi di depan lab bio juga teriak " GEMPAA ! GEMPAAA !!"
L: oh my shit gempa!! gempa gempa!
trus g ngeliat cowo 2 yg di depan lab bio pada lari keluar.. reflek g langsung loncat lari lari kea orang gila ke lapangan sambil teriak " WAAA GEMPA! GEMPA!"
dan barang yang g selamatkan pertama kali adalah.. KAMERA : D awkakwakw trus kan beberapa anak SMA juga lari 2 keluar, ada anak SMP juga. jadinya itu lumayan rame. walalupun ga smua anak SMA SMP pada turun ke lapangan sih. wkwkw. tapi seru lohh ~ xD di saat yg laen pada risuh2, g pun vto2 beberapa sama tmn2 gue . trus sempet g minta seorang anak SMP buat vtoin, dan dy merespon .. "ih cici masa gempa malah vto2?" ah sial itu anak tidak mengerti arti seni fotografi. ampe g ajak tu
anak buat vto juga xD wkwkw

 Suasana gempa di gedung Columbus :D

Gempa Survivors 1

Gempa Survivors 2

ah ternyata gempa itu seru! wkwkw. kapan ada gempa lagi? huakakaka. tp untung tadi
sekolah g ga roboh. kl iya mampus aje. serem iya. dan begonya wktu itu ada seorang anak bodoh
yang teriak, " KIAMAT!". tolol sekali dia. HAHAHA.

We 'll keep Survive ~ * najis lebay*

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

test minat bakat uuuuu~~~~~~

wow wow wow. hasil tes bakat udah kluar. yey! dan hasilny emang bener" persis ama g. bahkan yg ga g sadari pun ada. tp bner" kayak diri g. ah gmn sih ngomong nya. intinya 98% akurat ! wakakkakaka . dari hasil tes sih , katany IQ g termasuk superior or watever itu namanya. jumlahny 128! *moga" hasilnya ini fakta*
nih, ringkasan hasil test g. menurut g sih mayan persis ma diri g. nyehee ~

1.] Ivonne belum menampilkan kemampuan dasarnya dengan optimal .
# masa ? prasaan bys aja tuh. wakakakak.

2.] Ivonne tidak akan mengalami kesulitan untuk mengikuti pelajaran di sekolahnya yg berkaitan dengan hitungan dengan rumus, seperti Math, Akun, Fisika, & Kimia .
# kl ini kenyataan, g ga bakalan les . WAKAKAKKA .

3.] Ivonne kurang dapat menyerap info yang ada di sekitarnya sehingga wawasan pengetahuannya tergolong kurang .
# oke ini g akui. tapi apakah ini sama dengan lemod?! T___T

4.] Minat baca Ivonne hanya terbatas pada hal-hal yang disukainya saja, terutama yang bersifat hiburan.
# 200% TEPAT! aheuahueh. XD

5.] Ivonne kurang memperhatikan tempo kerjanya sehingga ia terlihat lamban dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya ..
# hahaha. ga heran g sering telad pergi le , ama suka lupa ngumpulin aop gt.

6.] pada dasarnya, dalam diri Ivonne terlihat adanya keinginan untuk menampilkan prestasi sebaik mungkin  namun daya juangnya yang kurang membuat Ivonne mudah merasa PESIMIS dan MENYERAH.
# wakakakka. ngakak gw pas baca bagian ini.

7.] Ivonne tampaknya kurang memiliki keinginan untuk memperhatikan dan memahami situasi dan perasaan orang lain sehingga terkadang reaksi yang diberikan pun kurang sesuai. sikapny ini membuat Ivonne terlihat sebagai remaja yang KURANG PEDULI .
# ahaaaa. tepat. ding ding ding! tp kl ama orang" tertentu, g peduli koq. ahay!

8.] Sikap tersebut tidak menghambat Ivoone dalam menyesuaikan diri dan menjalin kerja sama dengan orang lain . dalam bergaul , Ivonne cukup dapat bersikap RAMAH dan BERSAHABAT ..
# hmmm.. bagus deh. XD

9.] Sebenarnya apapun kelak yang akan dipilih dan dijalankan oleh Ivonne diperkirakan akan berhasil , asalkan Ivonne mampu memotivasi dirinya untuk terus menggunakan kemampuan yang dimilikinya dengan seoptimal mungkin .
# say it out loud , YEAH !! asik asik .

jadi begitulah beberapa sisi dari dalam diri g yg tidak terlihad dan terlihad. wkaowkaowk. cukup aneh. jangan" para psikolog pake dukun yaaa? koq bisa tepat gt yak? wkwkwkwk. ada yg penasaran ga? XD mari menyusup ke kantor pusat para psikolog yu~ gyahahahah. *dilindes truk*

truss truss. katanya minat g itu di pekerjaan sbg brikut, (sesuai urutan):
1. seni.
2. kerja praktis.
3. kerja lapangan.
g ga ngerti deh kl gini caranya. okeh lah kalo design termasuk dlm seni berarti cocokk... apaan tuh kerja praktis?! emang sih g orgnya mauny yg praktis" aja. tp masa g disuruh jd tukang bakso gt ? =_______=  wakakakkaka . apakah mungkin itu bakat terpendam g? ohoekk.. *muntah 11 hari 11 malem* oke. trus yg kerja lapangan, g ga ngerti itu maksudnya apaan  apakah g disuruh ngepel lapangan basket? ato malah nyabutin rumput liar di lapangan bola? gyahahahah. ntah lah. sungguh geje dan membingungkan.

lalu. kelemahan g adalah di pengendalian emosi ama wawasan pengetahuan . yah jadi maklumin aja kl g orgna rada gaptek ama emosi'an. khukhukhu.
ah , sekian dan terima kasih tentang hari ini ~
preeett duuddtt ..

Karma express

jadi pelajaran 1-2 g hari ini adalah,  PE aka PE. jadi pagi2 g udah pke baju OR donk, dan biasanya sih kita bawa seragam skolah ganti lagi. dan tadi, g pas jalan k skul ngerasa ada something yang kurang tp g ga taw itu apa. trs td OR maen basket bebas gr2 gurunya is gone. wkwkw . itu udah cukup keringetan soalny panas banget. teruss, pas abis OR, lebih tepatnya di kelas ..
(D = tmn g. I = g .)

D: Vonnn ! gmn nih g lupa bawa baju seragaaam !
I: HAHAHAHAHA . mampus . hayoloh depi . *g merasa aman soalny g ngeliat di tas g ada baju putih*
D: aduh gmn nih ?
I: .............
I: GILA G JUGA LUPA BAWA BAJU SERAGAM ! *baru sadar baju putih yg ada d tas g = JAS LAB !*
D: hahahahahah asik ada temennya !

ternyata itu merupakan sebuah KARMA-EXPRESS ! HAHAHAHA .

jadi berakhirlah hidup kami di meja piket . wkwkwkw . untung slama g kelas 3 baru 1x pelanggaran . g anak alim sih :) ketika bel berbunyi langsung lari dr kantin dgn kecepatan 100km/h biar ga telat . wkwkwkwk .

trus hari ini jg g pergi2 ke lab , dan akhirnya g memakai jas lab yang di mix n match dengan baju OR g :) hahahaha .

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


sumpe yeeee sekolah makin lama makin gila..udah tau kita dah mau UAN ini tugas nauzubileeehhh buanyakk nyaa.....belom ujian praktek lah ini itu .... najis se najis" nya ...

sebenernya sih g bkn belajar malah bnykan gambar" ... habis udah bener" enek sama yg namanya ujian and soal soall.....
g scan beberapa sih.....
post beberapa yg layak di post deh...
mirip seseorang gakkk ???? haha ... ini di gambar pas di kelas ..

witch~ ^^
ini gambar nya karin pas dy ke rmh g ,.. bwt bljr juga kedok nyaaa ... wkwkwkwk

baydewei,,, saya sudah resmi akan kuliah design interior dan kemaren baru apply ke UPH for scholarship ..
ini yg di apply :

 phew post segini dulu deccchhh ,,, mami suruh belajar *ohmygod* see yaa..

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

love is........

The most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word . When you' re in love, you always want to be together , and when you're not , you're thinking about being together because you need that person and without them your life is incomplete. This love is unconditional affection with no limits or conditions : completely loving someone. It 's when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other . When you love someone you want nothingmore than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that' s how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own. You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you
know they accept you just the way you are and vice versa . It 's when they're the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and when they' re the first thing you think of when you wake up, the feeling that warms your heartand leaves you overcome by a feeling of serenity. Love involves wanting to show your affection
and/ or devotion to each other . It ' s the smile on your face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them. Love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. Love is intense , and passionate . Everything seems brighter , happier and more wonderful when you're in love. If you find it , don 't let it go . One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life That word is love .

Senin, 17 Januari 2011


The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends . I mean, life is tough . It takes up a lot of your time . What do you get at the end of it ? A death! What 's that, a bonus ?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards . You should die first, get it out of the way. The you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy ,
go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day . You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement . You drink alcohol , you party , and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school , you become a kid , you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little boy( girl) , you go back , you spend your last 9 months floating with luxuries like central heating, spa , room service on tap , then you finish off as an orgasm!! Uff .. . Now that's what life should be !!

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

15 January 2011

Happy Birthday Nicholas Ferdianto :)
, your sister :D

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Have you ever felt like you're forgotten?
When people seemed like they don't need you anymore?
When people thought you don't need any love?
When you were sorrow and no one helped you?

ah yes, teenager.

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011


Went for a blood test yesterday morning and got the result on the afternoon. I got low sugar and low blood pressure (which explains how I got blackout once in a while) but EXTREMELY HIGH cholesterol. My dad got all pissy because of the result and started to give me a speech of how I should exercise more and eat healthier food. My bro (who is, a future doctor, ehem, hehe) told me if I don't do anything about this it is possible for me to get heart diseases by the age of 30. GOSH, I DO NOT want to die young :(

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


Cua nque' xlyaa!

it means helo, in Tataltepec, Chatino. i just knew that that place exist, lol. i guess i'm going to start saying "helo" in different languages because if i keep posting "hellow" or "halo!" or "hey" for the first word in every post its gonna be boring. what am i talking about. hahah, okay
so today is my first day @jrp. nothing interesting, really. haha well, the people are 'interesting', the people are "unique" and "different", they are "special" in some ways, well not all of them are ". . . ." but sebagian besar. if bree is reading this she probably will be laughing or like "yeah..". haha. there are 3 "typical" guys in our class, they are.. hm, i don't know how to describe it, since this is public, i don't want to write mean things or insulting things about others <-- that sounds mean already ya? hehe. and there are 2 singaporeans, i think, they were born in jakarta, i'm not sure how they 100% can't speak bahasa.. "i'm like.. yeah.. whateverrrr, ewwww,, omygashhh" <- that's the most typical quote to describe them.. hehe c(; i'm sorry. the first person that i met today is rahma, she's from padang, she came just to join this jrp, so.... determined? hahaha.. she's nice and gaul i think heheh (: there were actually some fun things that happened today but not as much as what i expected. tomorrow is the first day for wardrobe, and we needa wear tank top. WHAT THE HECK? are you kidding me? i was SHOCKED, REALLY shocked. i NEVER, NEVER, NEEEEVVVVEEEEERRRRRRR wore a tank top or sleeveless in public, crazy, wth. haha. so i went to matahari and bought a pink tank top for tomorrow hehe, and i bought a black cardigan and i bought tako yaki *again* and yaki udon today :D. oh my mom fell in love today with yaki udon, hahah well, i love tako yaki, they're still good :) 

aaa, it's only the second day of school and there's a bunch of homeworks already :( grr so annoying. haha. right now i need to focus on math because i want to get in to extended math, well, i don't really want to but my brother and my teacher said that it would be good if I get in to extended math because it would really help you when you get in to IB. okay, i needa fight for it then :) hehe. today i also sign up for the flag ceremony thing, as well as beyata, glenys and rieke, hopefully i can get in :D i btw, I changed my plan for my personal project and i really need to start now, is this early enough? hahaha, coz most of the 12nd graders said "don't procrastinate" and since the homeworks is not that crazy.. yet, (even though udah banyak but i believe there are more to comee), i guess its a good time to start my personal project, i'm going to consult with ms angeline tmr, and hopefully everything goes well. that's it for now

Just now I asked my brother
I: Ko, suka musik apa?
N: Apa aja
I: Ulang taun mau apa?
N: Mobil
I: Gak ada duit
N: Yauda gak usah apa2, hahaha, thx
I: Nanti protes2 gak dibeliin apa2 ultah
N: Hm
I: Mau gw beliin wax buat bulu kaki lu gak?
N: -_-
I: Hehehe canda2
N: -_-

TTFN! :p 

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

consumtive life

wishlist for NOW!
1. SNEAKERS! ohmay ohmay ohmaaaaaay . i want reebok , i want adidas , i want nike , i want converse , i want those classic sneakers! i want that tie dye converse omayomayomaaaaaay . apapun yang ngejreng 
2. KAOS KAOS KAOS! a mild cuci gudang 50% must buy
3. lacey tights . entah kenapa pengeen punya satuuuu :(
4. baggy shirts . yaaaay!
6. everything pink and yellow (buy me something in yellow or pink!)
7. anywhere with justin :)
8. GI with ceres
9. PIM with alazor
10. iketan rambut yang lucu2
11. moreeee gift shooooooooooop!
okaaaay i'm greedy .
cao :)

Grade 6 piano @.@~

barusan di kirimin email sama cici les g..dan g hampir pingsan bacanya..

Piano GRADE 6
(i) legato, in similar motion with hands together one octave apart, and with each hand separately, in all keys,
major and minor (both melodic and harmonic) (four octaves)
(ii) staccato, with each hand separately, in the keys specified in one of the following groups chosen by the
candidate (four octaves):
Group 1: C, A, F
, Ebmajors
Group 2: G, E, Bb
, Dbmajors
(iii) legato, in contrary motion with both hands beginning and ending on the key-note (unison), in the major
and harmonic minor keys of the group chosen for (ii) above (two octaves)
(iv) staccato, in thirds with each hand separately (fingered 2 and 4) in the key of C major (two octaves)
Chromatic Scales: legato only
(i) in similar motion with hands together one octave apart, and with each hand separately, beginning on any
note named by the examiner (four octaves)
(ii) in contrary motion with hands beginning and ending on C with the L.H. and E with the R.H., a third apart
(two octaves)
Arpeggios: legato only, in similar motion with hands together one octave apart, and with each hand separately:
(i) the major and minor common chords of all keys, in root position only (four octaves)
(ii) diminished seventh chords beginning on B, C
, D#
and E (three octaves)

THREE PIECES: one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C:
1 Beethoven Larghetto maestoso–Allegro assai: 1st movt from Sonata in F minor,
Selected Piano Exam Pieces
WoO 47 No. 2 
2007–2008, Grade 6
2 Handel Gigue: 5th movt from Suite No. 4 in E minor (1720 Collection), HWV 429
(ABRSM Publishing)
3 Casanovas Sonata in F 
4 J. S. Bach Allemande: 1st movt from French Suite No. 3 in B minor, BWV 814. J. S. Bach French Suites, 
BWV 812–817 (ABRSM Publishing)
5 Becˇvařovsk´y Polonaise. Three Czech Masters for Piano (Bärenreiter Praha H 7940/Bärenreiter)
6 B. Marcello Presto: 2nd movt from Sonata in G. No. 2 from A Keyboard Anthology, Third Series, Book 4
(ABRSM Publishing)
1 S. Heller Prelude in C
#minor: No. 10 from 24 Preludes, Op. 81 Selected Piano Exam Pieces
2 Schubert Moment musical in F minor: No. 3 from Moments musicaux, D. 780 2007–2008, Grade 6
3 Suk Melodie (ABRSM Publishing)
4 J. F. F. Burgmüller Refrain du gondolier (Gondolier’s Song), Op. 109 No. 14. More Romantic Pieces for Piano,
Book 4 (ABRSM Publishing)
5 Esplá Canción de cuna (Cradle Song): from Suite de pequeñas piezas. Esplá Música para piano (UME/Music Sales)
6 Mendelssohn Song without Words, Op. 19 No. 2. No. 2 from Mendelssohn Songs without Words or A Romantic
Sketchbook for Piano, Book 5 (ABRSM Publishing)
1 Richard Rodney Bennett Four Calling Birds: No. 4 from Partridge Pie, Book 1 Selected Piano Exam Pieces
2 Paul Harvey Rumba Toccata 2007–2008, Grade 6
3 Lhotka-Kalinski Microforms (I–IV) (ABRSM Publishing)
4 Avril Anderson A Story Untold. Spectrum 2: 30 Miniatures for Solo Piano (ABRSM Publishing)
5 Octavio Pinto Run, Run!: from Scenas infantis (Memories of Childhood) (Schirmer/Music Sales)
6 Prokofiev Valse: No. 6 from Musiques d’enfants, Op. 65 (Boosey & Hawkes/MDS)
PLAYING AT SIGHT READING: see paragraph e on page 18.


Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

about me ^^

Name : Ivonne Charlyne
Age : 17
DoB : 12 November 1993
School : st. Lauresia
grade : 12 science 1
i love yellow and pink
i love nail art
i love black and white bcos of Jack Skellington
i love squirrel and cat
i love dance and sing
i play basketball,just for fun
i love art and science *such a contradiction hihi*
i love sushi
i go to MKG more than normal people do
i love jazz
i play piano (grade6 now)and accoustic guitar,trying violin
i love Justin Faith :) long last love ^^ 140208

First post as request :)

Don't ever more ..