Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


Cua nque' xlyaa!

it means helo, in Tataltepec, Chatino. i just knew that that place exist, lol. i guess i'm going to start saying "helo" in different languages because if i keep posting "hellow" or "halo!" or "hey" for the first word in every post its gonna be boring. what am i talking about. hahah, okay
so today is my first day @jrp. nothing interesting, really. haha well, the people are 'interesting', the people are "unique" and "different", they are "special" in some ways, well not all of them are ". . . ." but sebagian besar. if bree is reading this she probably will be laughing or like "yeah..". haha. there are 3 "typical" guys in our class, they are.. hm, i don't know how to describe it, since this is public, i don't want to write mean things or insulting things about others <-- that sounds mean already ya? hehe. and there are 2 singaporeans, i think, they were born in jakarta, i'm not sure how they 100% can't speak bahasa.. "i'm like.. yeah.. whateverrrr, ewwww,, omygashhh" <- that's the most typical quote to describe them.. hehe c(; i'm sorry. the first person that i met today is rahma, she's from padang, she came just to join this jrp, so.... determined? hahaha.. she's nice and gaul i think heheh (: there were actually some fun things that happened today but not as much as what i expected. tomorrow is the first day for wardrobe, and we needa wear tank top. WHAT THE HECK? are you kidding me? i was SHOCKED, REALLY shocked. i NEVER, NEVER, NEEEEVVVVEEEEERRRRRRR wore a tank top or sleeveless in public, crazy, wth. haha. so i went to matahari and bought a pink tank top for tomorrow hehe, and i bought a black cardigan and i bought tako yaki *again* and yaki udon today :D. oh my mom fell in love today with yaki udon, hahah well, i love tako yaki, they're still good :) 

aaa, it's only the second day of school and there's a bunch of homeworks already :( grr so annoying. haha. right now i need to focus on math because i want to get in to extended math, well, i don't really want to but my brother and my teacher said that it would be good if I get in to extended math because it would really help you when you get in to IB. okay, i needa fight for it then :) hehe. today i also sign up for the flag ceremony thing, as well as beyata, glenys and rieke, hopefully i can get in :D i btw, I changed my plan for my personal project and i really need to start now, is this early enough? hahaha, coz most of the 12nd graders said "don't procrastinate" and since the homeworks is not that crazy.. yet, (even though udah banyak but i believe there are more to comee), i guess its a good time to start my personal project, i'm going to consult with ms angeline tmr, and hopefully everything goes well. that's it for now

Just now I asked my brother
I: Ko, suka musik apa?
N: Apa aja
I: Ulang taun mau apa?
N: Mobil
I: Gak ada duit
N: Yauda gak usah apa2, hahaha, thx
I: Nanti protes2 gak dibeliin apa2 ultah
N: Hm
I: Mau gw beliin wax buat bulu kaki lu gak?
N: -_-
I: Hehehe canda2
N: -_-

TTFN! :p 

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